Perhaps the title should be “Can’t see the black and white for the colour” but the trees are more relevant to this blog. I mostly shot in colour with some early B&W, until I realised that I have been missing the point. Colour photography has its place and all that …
Spent a week in Seillans and Callian in Provence in the summer of 2016. Photography with Leica Q then processed to B&W using DXO PhotoLab and Lightroom.
A couple of days on Lake Como based in Bellagio in summer 2016. Photography using Leica Q then post-processed with DXO PhotoLab and Lightroom.
Christmas trip to Sydney with my Leica Q. Retail therapy. Sort of street photography but with a retail theme. The Q fits perfectly in my hand and is quiet. Also doesn’t look too serious so easier to just snap and go.
I have been enjoying photography for many years. I used to shoot a lot of black and white in the early days, mainly because it was cheaper than colour. Then colour processing became cheaper than B&W processing so colour was the way forward. And I love colour! Indeed. But in …
Wisberrick, a 500 acre farm near Shelford in Victoria, has a lane running down the middle. Not just any lane. The Lane. I spent some time down that lane over a year in 2016-17. A full farm year. I wanted to tell it’s story, not just for the fun of …